
Digitale ondersteuning voor mentale fitheid.

Frequently Asked Questions

Geef hier aan met welke onderwerpen Evie je kan helpen. Op basis van de geselecteerde onderwerpen verzamelt Evie artikelen, video’s, podcasts en trainingen voor je. Deze kunnen je aan het denken zetten en je tips geven hoe zelf met dit onderwerp aan de slag te gaan.

Can't figure it out on your own? And could you still use some more help? Then make an appointment with your doctor.

Anyone for whom an account has been created on Evie by a healthcare professional can naturally use the online training courses (also called e-health modules).

Don't see a counselor or has he or she not given you access to Evie (yet)? If you live in the regions North-Limburg or Central Brabant, you can sign up for the online trainings for free here. For residents from other regions, Evie is unfortunately not yet available without a professional. We are working hard to make Evie available in your area as well.

Evie is not yet available via an app. However, you can complete the online trainings via an app.

Hiervoor is de app van “Minddistrict” beschikbaar. Deze is te downloaden via de App Store of Google Play. Zoek in de App Store of Google Play dus op “Minddistrict” en log hier in met jouw “Evie-account”.

Always check that this e-mail has not landed in your junk mail and that you have entered the correct e-mail address (which is linked to your account).

If you have not received anything, please send an e-mail to the helpdesk with the request to send the e-mail again. This will then be sent as soon as possible, but at the latest within 2 working days.

Send an email to the helpdesk asking if your account can be reactivated. Mention in the email the website link of the platform on which you had an account.

Yes, your practitioner can do this themselves. Using your name, e-mail address or date of birth, your practitioner can look up your account and submit a linking request.

If this causes problems, send an email to the help desk with the name of the caregiver who may be linked to your account.

Send an email to the help desk requesting that your account be deleted. Deleting an account is, however, final and irreversible.

Your account can also be deactivated. In that case, you will no longer be able to log in and receive e-mails from the platform, but your data will remain saved. This can be useful in case you still want to use the trainings in the future.

Ask your question

Staat je vraag er niet tussen? Neem dan gerust contact op met de helpdesk via het mailadres wat je onderaan het platform vindt. Heb je nog geen account? Gebruik dan onderstaande contactformulier.
