Log in with your own Evie account at https://middenbrabant.e-behandeling.nl
Creating a new account yourself will no longer be possible for residents of the municipalities of Tilburg and Goirle as of January 1, 2022. From now on this must always be done through a professional.
Do you need help with (light) mental complaints? Then we refer you to your general practitioner or the organizations below:
- Tilburg: The Access https://www.toegangtilburg.nl/
- Goirle: 't Loket https://www.goirle.nl/loket
They can help you further.
Almost every professional in your community uses Evie. If you already have an account, log in using the link below.
CAUTION: If you already have an account on Evie, log in at https://middenbrabant.e-behandeling.nl